
In a diplomatic move that underscores the severity of the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Gaza, the United States has delivered a stark warning to Israel: increase humanitarian aid access within the next 30 days or risk losing critical U.S. military support. This ultimatum, conveyed in a letter from Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, represents the strongest written warning to date from the Biden administration.

Image : economictimes.indiatimes.com

The letter, sent on a Sunday in mid-October, urges Israel to significantly boost the flow of humanitarian assistance into Gaza, following reports of severe shortages of food, water, medical supplies, and shelter for Gaza’s besieged population. The timing of the letter coincides with Israel’s intensified military offensive in northern Gaza, which has led to mounting civilian casualties. The U.S. has expressed deep concerns about the deteriorating humanitarian conditions, emphasizing that nearly 90% of humanitarian movements between northern and southern Gaza were either denied or blocked by Israeli forces last month.

The contents of the letter were confirmed by the U.S. State Department and have since been the subject of intense scrutiny. While the letter was not meant for public release, its publication has drawn widespread attention. The warning to Israel is clear: failure to act on these humanitarian issues could result in a reevaluation of U.S. military assistance under existing laws that prohibit military support to countries obstructing the delivery of U.S. humanitarian aid.

The Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza

The situation in Gaza has reached an alarming point which has the entire humanity concerned over the ongoing crisis . Israel’s ongoing military campaign, primarily focused on Hamas operatives in the north, has created a devastating humanitarian crisis for Gaza’s civilian population. Approximately 400,000 people in northern Gaza are struggling to survive without consistent access to food, clean water, and medical care. The population faces a dire shortage of basic necessities, and humanitarian organizations, including the United Nations, have warned that the supply of essential items is rapidly depleting.

Israel’s military operations in Gaza have targeted key Hamas strongholds, but they have also resulted in significant civilian casualties. Airstrikes and ground assaults have devastated residential areas, while Israeli evacuation orders have forced more than 1.7 million people into overcrowded regions, primarily the al-Mawasi coastal area. This displacement has increased the risk of “lethal contagion,” according to U.S. officials, due to the lack of proper sanitation and medical resources. Aid organizations have reported that survival needs for those in al-Mawasi cannot be adequately met, and the ongoing military operations have only worsened the humanitarian situation.

U.S. Demands for Immediate Action

In the letter, the U.S. demands that Israel take immediate and concrete steps to address the humanitarian crisis. These steps include the opening of at least four major crossings, the establishment of a fifth crossing to allow for increased aid delivery, and the guarantee that at least 350 trucks carrying humanitarian supplies are allowed to enter Gaza each day. Additionally, the U.S. insists that Israel must end its isolation of northern Gaza and ensure that there is no forced evacuation of civilians from the region.

One of the most significant challenges to humanitarian aid in Gaza has been the tight restrictions imposed by the Israeli government. The U.S. letter criticizes these restrictions, including the denial or impeding of nearly 90% of humanitarian movements last month, as well as burdensome customs requirements for humanitarian staff and shipments. The U.S. has made it clear that it expects Israel to relax these restrictions and prioritize the movement of aid, especially as winter approaches, which will only exacerbate the suffering of Gaza’s residents.

While Israel has previously maintained that there are no formal limits on the amount of humanitarian aid entering Gaza, the U.S. letter suggests otherwise. The Biden administration has been particularly alarmed by reports that commercial imports have been halted, and that increased vetting procedures have delayed critical aid shipments. Moreover, there are growing concerns about the safety of humanitarian workers, with lawlessness and looting further complicating aid distribution.

Israel’s Response and Future Implications

The Israeli government has acknowledged receiving the letter and has indicated that it is reviewing the U.S. demands. An Israeli official confirmed that the government is taking the matter seriously and plans to address the concerns raised by the U.S. However, Israel has consistently defended its military actions, stating that they are targeting Hamas fighters and not civilians, and that humanitarian aid is not being deliberately blocked.

On Monday, Israel’s military body responsible for Gaza crossings, COGAT, confirmed that 30 trucks carrying aid from the World Food Programme had entered northern Gaza through the Erez crossing. This marked the first major delivery of aid to the north in over two weeks. However, humanitarian organizations have warned that this is far from sufficient, given the scale of the crisis. The United Nations had previously reported that essential supplies for the nearly 400,000 people trapped in northern Gaza were nearly depleted, and aid workers have called for a sustained and predictable flow of aid.

Despite the U.S. ultimatum, Israel’s military operations in Gaza have continued unabated. The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) have deployed tanks and troops in the Jabalia refugee camp, a densely populated area known to be a Hamas stronghold. The IDF has claimed success in killing dozens of Hamas fighters, but reports of civilian casualties continue to mount. Jabalia, along with neighboring Beit Lahia and Beit Hanoun, has been subject to multiple evacuation orders, with residents being told to flee to the al-Mawasi “humanitarian area.”

The U.S. has been the largest supplier of arms to Israel, and the Israeli military’s operations in Gaza have relied heavily on U.S.-provided aircraft, bombs, and other weapons systems. Should Israel fail to comply with the U.S. demands for increased humanitarian aid, it could face a significant reduction in this military assistance. U.S. law prohibits military support to countries that impede the delivery of U.S. humanitarian aid, and the Biden administration has made it clear that this issue is now linked to the continued flow of military aid to Israel.

Israel relies heavily on U.S. military aid to maintain its military superiority in the region. A cut or reduction in this aid would have significant implications for Israel’s defense capabilities. The $3.8 billion annual military assistance package, authorized under a 10-year Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed in 2016, includes funding for advanced weapons systems, missile defense technologies, and training. The Iron Dome missile defense system, which has saved countless Israeli lives from rocket attacks, was largely developed with U.S. financial support.

Broader Consequences and International Response

The potential reduction in U.S. military aid comes at a time when Israel’s relationship with its Western allies is being closely scrutinized. In recent months, there has been growing international pressure on Israel to address the humanitarian crisis in Gaza. European governments have called for an immediate ceasefire, while regional actors such as Egypt and Jordan have urged Israel to open humanitarian corridors.

The Biden administration’s warning marks a significant shift in the U.S. approach to the conflict. While the U.S. remains committed to Israel’s security, it is also deeply concerned about the moral and legal implications of supporting a military campaign that has caused extensive civilian casualties and exacerbated an already dire humanitarian crisis.

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has warned that the situation in northern Gaza is becoming untenable. Families are facing “unimaginable fear, loss of loved ones, confusion, and exhaustion” as they try to survive in the midst of the ongoing military offensive. Many are unable to evacuate due to illness, disability, or fear of being caught in the crossfire. Human rights organizations have raised alarms about potential violations of international law, including the possibility of forcible transfers of civilians.


The U.S. letter to Israel reflects a growing sense of urgency about the humanitarian crisis in Gaza. As the conflict drags on, the Biden administration is pushing Israel to make significant changes to its approach, particularly regarding the movement of humanitarian aid. Failure to comply with these demands could lead to a major shift in U.S. policy toward Israel, including a reduction in military assistance.

The next 30 days will be critical in determining the future of U.S.-Israel relations and the fate of Gaza’s civilian population. While Israel has signaled its intention to address the concerns raised by the U.S., the reality on the ground remains grim. The international community will be watching closely to see whether Israel takes the necessary steps to avert further humanitarian catastrophe.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the U.S. demanding from Israel?

The U.S. has called on Israel to significantly increase humanitarian aid access to Gaza, including the delivery of at least 350 trucks of aid per day and the opening of more crossings.

2. What will happen if Israel does not comply?

If Israel does not heed US warning it could face a drastic cut in U.S. military aid, as U.S. law prohibits support to countries obstructing humanitarian efforts.

3. How has Israel responded to the U.S. warning?

Israel has acknowledged the U.S. letter and is reviewing its demands, but it continues to defend its military operations, stating they target Hamas operatives, not civilians.

4. What is the situation in Gaza?

Gaza is facing severe shortages of food, water, and medical supplies. The humanitarian crisis is worsening due to ongoing Israeli military operations and restricted aid access.

5. How important is U.S. military aid to Israel?

U.S. military aid is crucial to Israel’s defense capabilities, providing billions of dollars in advanced weapons systems and military technology.

Reference : http://www.britannica.com

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